About us
The Justice centre for victims of crimes (CJVAC) offers free legal information services to victims and all persons who are concerned or affected by a crime, such as those who are :
Relatives of a victim
Witnesses to a crime
Individuals can consult the CJVAC regardless of whether or not the crime is reported to the authorities, and whether or not the perpetrator is known.
An interdisciplinary team of law and criminology students answer victims' questions under expert supervision.
Victims are not always adequately informed and consulted by the actors involved in the judicial process, contrary to their needs and rights. The CJVAC's objective is therefore to better informe victims who will be able to act at their own pace and make decisions in a free and informed manner according to their needs.
With you, for justice for all
Our mission
The CJVAC pursues a threefold mission:
Empowering victims of crime
Train future actors in the field of criminal justice on the needs, expectations and rights of victims
Contribute to institutional knowledge to improve the treatment of victims in the criminal justice system and reduce the risk of second victimization
​The CJVAC takes a human rights approach. We recognize:
Victims as person with rights before the law
Victimization as a violation of human rights
By following this approach, we consider that victims have a real interest in the justice system and have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.






In order to ensure the quality of the CJVAC's services, law and criminology students are supervised by experts in their fields. These experts include lawyers and a criminologists, who are members of their respective professional orders.
All CJVAC members commit to respecting the ethical rules set by the Professional Code, the Act respecting the Barreau du Québec, and all the regulations adopted under these acts. This includes a duty to ensure the confidentiality of all information to which the members have access to as part of their activities at the CJVAC.